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Sep 2010
Kiley in italics
Just Kyle in regular text
Spencer and Kyle in bold

And so it begins...

At poets I laugh
Silly boys with their rhyming
here I sit smiling

gracefully moving
She smiles at my poem
I smile at hers.

She burns all my books
I cry all the time, never over
She is my new fav

I cry when books burn,
Angrily **** those who burn
Even my new faves

She giggles all day
try to **** but always fail
She will live forever

None live forever
Though the war will never end.
We're back in the game

You silly little
youngster and second class guys
I will always win

Powerful, she is
yet she has less "class" than we.
She cannot beat us

two plus three is five
Indeed, but two men do not equal
that of one woman

In their clutter'd brains
Women make odd equations
that just make no sense

men cannot add things
men will never understand
the ways women speak

When girls start to speak
All we hear is rabble ra-
bble rabble rabble

Open up your ears
You have lost this game today
I'm done and win, *****.

Kiley exits
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