I am fine again I fake smile again You may think I'm ok again, but I cry again Not where you can see When I cry it's invisible, it's on the inside of me no one ever really sees the storm raging inside of me, or the war that makes it go on I am fine again I lie again I cry again I am not afraid, but at the same time I am I accept it I reject it and accept it all over again It goes right through me and it hits me hard I know I'm not fine Deep down I know I'll never be fine again I don't think I ever was You can buy it And I will sell it I'll say I'm fine, I'm just a bit tired and you'll say you should get more rest and I'll say ok, I will and smile to make you relax a bit But you'll never know what's inside The storm that's raging and the war that's causing it I'm not even sure what the war's about I don't even know what or how it started I don't even remember when it happened But it's still happening now And I'm not even sure who's winning My angels or my demons I just hope that the angels are going to win soon, because if not It might be too late And my demons might win the war... My angels... *-whispers- please win...
I feel like this a lot. I'm hoping my angels win this war. And I'm hoping I'll at least be a bit normal afterwards. This poem was also inspired by a song. It's my favorite song called fine again by seether. I love them. They're my favorite.