I never knew what loneliness was until I your cure for it you detached me from identity you dismissed me from a capaticy to feel and ignored that I ached for you ached to love you with my faceless face ached to love you with my body that you made mechanical ached to love you with my soul that you denied, refused, dismissed, me of having your intentions blurred me into nothing and you say that that was not your intent but why do you take me like you mean to write me into poetry but then erase my essence off your pages you are a black hole diminishing me into an abyss of your neglect, and rejection so I am ceaselessly falling into your darkness and not your love
to love you with all my exsistencne nonexsistently I alway love with all my exsistence nonexsistently
I am alone in my accidental purpose and reasons and secrets and confessions and everything unspoken i want to be silence to you the silence that echos with words and feelings that exsist but remain nonexsistent and i ache to love you with my voiceless voice but whats the use in emphasiszing my insanity by speaking aloud to myself? so ill stay consumed in thinking to myself thoughts meant for you deprived of meaning by you
I've been alone in love every time I've loved and alone I love more but i've never felt such utter loneliness before as you keep a memeory but forget me within it fade me into insignificance so my name is a word and not a meaning, not a nickname for my essence but remembered as just a presence a witness to you breathing-dissolving myself into your inhale and vanishing as you expel me with your exhale
i look into your eyes like i look into a mirror trying to see myself inside but being nothing more than a surface reflection
i never understood lonliness until i felt yours the disconnect as our eyes connected the detachement as our hands attached the distance as our lips met
never have I felt so far when being so close never have I craved so much an intamacy that will never be intimate never have I felt love in being so unloved
before i was alone but did not feel the pain of solitude before i was in solitdue but did not feel the hurt of being alone now i'm in a lonely love for you and i'm addicted to the nothingness you make me but i wish you loved me into something i wish you loved me