Oh no! I'm stuck here behind this lovely stand. Dare I sit here or should I attempt to make social interaction? I don't know though... It seems rather taxing to make an effort to engage with someone whom I know literally nothing about, but isn't that what you're supposed to do? Decisions, decisions... It seems like such a simple thing. The choice seems so blatantly obvious. True, I could use some friends, but who is to say they'd still be there after my darkest of days. That is a chance I'm not willing to take. The opportunity cost of my time is too high to make the effort to talk to a random individual. The phrase, "Oh well," comes to mind. My, my, what a predicament. Uncertainty is a corrupting influence that plagues us all to stop us from doing the things we all love. So, should I stop this or let it run its ****** course? I think it's safe to say who has won.