The only thing worse than being alone, is being with you. Coz I spend all day telling myself you're busy, And all night convincing myself you aren't busy. Either way I never see you.
How hard is it to pick up the phone and say 'babe I miss you.' But you can call to ask where am at? Who am with? What are you, my parole officer?
I try so hard to be what you want, Tripping over my feelings so as not to tread on yours. But you humiliate me, Insult me and ignore me.
It hurts!!!! I cry myself to sleep at night holding out for a hug that won't come. I long for you to put aside your animosity and tell me you need me. I tremble when I get the shakes from withdrawal cause am hooked on your love. I wish you could just put yourself in my shoes and tell me, Would you stay or leave?
I look at you and see someone I have never met. You could walk away and wipe my name off your heart. I reach out and touch empty space, Cause you aren't here. You act like you are but you aren't. Tell me, do you still love me?