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Feb 2014
wreck me (can you do it)
you have full permission to destroy me completely. (fight against me. fight me. ******* FIGHT.>/..,’]]\
die-hard, sweet tongued, soft eyed, lover boy.—> wreck me.

i know you want to.

wreck the soft peachiness of my cheeks
down to my painted pink toenails.
paint my body red with destruction
purple with bruises
pink with smacks and slaps
lines across my neck
open crime scene — worst i’ve ever seen — poor girl
never had a chance, did she

-got/get angry-
are you angry with me? are you livid?
make me feel it, darling.
powerful structures of pain
pleasurable absence
structureless abuse

wreck me.
rip out my tattoo heart/make me into art.
Deana Luna
Written by
Deana Luna  Seattle, WA
(Seattle, WA)   
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