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Feb 2014
I lay in his arms and wonder
is this the right place to be
my head on his shoulder
and still I couldn't think
would it be right to move?
would I be ok?

sitting against his relaxed musles
i want to know what makes him
his body built
his mind quiet
but his eyes give everything away
he is here with me
and i want it as that

yet i want to know
will he always be there
when i need him?
when i cry
when im scared
when im hurt
or when im in laughter?

yet my heart yerns him in
and my mind goes quiet when im near him
and then i realize
this is were i belong
in the arms of my lover
this is were i would call home

i am home
i am safe
no more worry
no more heartache

i am home
i am with my love
and i will never leave my home
for my dear husband
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