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Feb 2014
You make me feel like my heart is making blood 
You make me feel like a leaf that sunlights shining through

You make me feel like a song with bass guitar and indecipherable lyrics

You make me think about eyelashes

It’s so stupid.

You make me laugh
It’s so stupid


When I have my head on your chest

and you breathe out through your mouth

you sound like a volcano

When the air gets caught on your lips

It makes a noise like sparks

You give me sparks.
when your head is cradled on my chest

I get the breathe knocked out of me

by the affection I feel
I always want to

Express it with my words

But any eloquence I possess

When faced head on
by your shatterproof eye contact.

So I end up kissing it to you instead.

And sometimes I feel

like I’m sending a telegram
 with my lips

I never write this way

god I hope you never read this
I never wanted to be that girl

Who treats love like ******
But I’m a mess sometimes

And my cheeks get red.

and you give me enough of an inspirational burst to write a love poem.
I never thought I could write a love poem.
I try really hard to not let my emotions get the best of me, to not be a weak, cheesy, teenage girl.  but here's a snippet of what it looks like when I let myself go.
Erin Joan
Written by
Erin Joan  San Diego, CA
(San Diego, CA)   
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