She, herself, will be, soon be here - come. Coming here. Here. Into this refuge of ours. This cave This palace Her hips, make me nervous for they move So very well In my arms, her twinkle In my eyes Her love, I love In my hands
I think of her more I am finding, as each day passes, And they say you're supposed to....... Get used to this? I don't want to Why would anyone want to get used to this? It is intoxication of The soul, a madness Made before we Invented our own lesser versions.
It's too important to ever become Some smallish event Her arrival, to me In our refuge Our cave Our palace It's like the first rain for many days as it touches A dried out forest floor
Little creatures scurry, in case it's only dew, and soon will be done and gone; But I don't need to do that. She is no line of dew In the bower of shaded hazel But a torrent from the old heavens Drowning me, in content.