in a life or death situation, when the hands of time are running you over with a mac truck.
When death is arriving at your door step 60 miles per hour while the grim reaper is in the passengers seat grinning from ear to ear.
You get hit- But somehow the graces of destiny or god or good luck help you survive. But you need another's blood to fill your veins and make you whole again-
Is it then you will deny the blood, of someone who doesn't have the same values, or live the same life. Is it then you will say, no that person loves another of the same gender, I wont do it.
And you die, slowly and painfully, from your own ignorance.
Is it then you say, that person is of a different race, I refuse to take that blood.
And you die, slowly and painfully, from your own selfish views.
When will people wake up and realize, blood is blood? People are people love is love and who the **** are you to tell someone they're not worth a thing because you told them so?
You are not god, you are not a supreme leader, you cannot dictate and enforce your unorthodox hatred unto others, because blood is blood.
When the chance comes that you no longer have life and you're sitting alone and cold in a bed with no one around but your fragile memories of family and friends that turn to hatred and self-loathing and you are all you have.
you will then wish that you took the blood you will then wish you didn't hate so much you will then wish on every star in the sky that you realized sooner blood is just blood and people are just people and some of those people- like you, are unjust and just too ******* evil.