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Feb 2014
Hello poetry
My secret friend that love to publicize me
To your friends like me.
In you I hide my tears in form of words
When I blink out a smile you inspire me to put it in words
And you freely licence me to paint them on your wall
For all the world to criticize, follow, like and love.

I say Hello to poetry
When my heart is tired of the silence,
I turn to you for some solace
And you are never tired of my beautiful noise
You pay so much attention to my quiet voice
Like you are listening with your ears and still busy reading my lips
Though I'm lost in your world you still give me the chance to always take the lead.
Indeed you are a garden of inspirations
You motivate me even in my lowest moment
You are such a blessing to my nature
ConvincingΒ Β your friends to cherish my effortless work is one of my greatest achievement.

I say hello to the poets
Of Hello Poetry
We are more than stars
We are galaxies,
Our flawless ceremonies of words are more than real
They are the greatest fantasies.
What else can I say
when all the words that are yet to be said
Are all sparkling obvious
Truly, Poetry is more than a culture but a behaviour.
Tribute to hello Poetry.
Victor Ernest Osong
Written by
Victor Ernest Osong  28/M/Nigeria
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