We spent a day in space because the Hendersons did it last month, and the Jeffreys the week before that. It was all they talked about at dinner and their eyes sparkled in a way I hadn't seen before.
You can pack light. It's only a day, after all. Maria and the kids were nervous but I told them not to worry, just to concentrate on the in-flight movie. The kid in the seat behind kept kicking my chair, which was annoying.
To be honest it was just like a normal flight at first, out the window gazing at the other shuttles coming home, pressed into your seat by the g-force.
But then you break through the ionosphere and you're weightless. It's quite cool. Jessica got some good pictures of Earth. I was looking at the floating stewardess, mostly.
It's one of those things, though - you can't really appreciate it when it's happening. You have to look back on it. I'm pretty sure the grandeur, the magnificence of human ingenuity and the joy of returning to Mother Earth's comforting embrace
Will hit me any day now. Excuse me, my phone's ringing.