Life- endlessly sweeping from shadows A shuttering still-frame for no shame and pain to gain Somebody's brain broke so I spoke Up and shut the ******* Buck done been shot down No ground to hold him No cold hole to know him Rotting On the road like rage ****. No intentions left mentioned for ******* Of deep destination, no Choke of destiny to leave bleeding Screaming alibis had drove on by With bitter ailments of the eyes Leaking black ooze of droop seeping Unhearted blistered tear ducts. What luck, huh? Its never enough Its never enough Its never enough Its never enough Its never enough Its never enough. ****** the flesh in it's skin bag- No remorse for unfinished courses Vanquished tranquility in unseen forces. This divorce of life and death Hesitated with breath and Broke into silence. *Nothing left. Nothing left. Nothing left.