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Feb 2014
Talking @ 11-12: I'm not here to rap, or have some sorta flow. I'm just here to project my words, the way they were meant to be.. spoken..

[start @ :21]
I retrace the image of us that you've drawn
I can't help but to photograph just for the memories
I time the seconds in between the breaths you take...
I weigh the heaviness of my heart as I watch you erase
The perfect portrait of what you and I had...

There's still shades of graphite left on that blank page
So I paint a picture of something new
As the pigment covers the canvas
I can't help but to notice
The remains of graphite
Peeking through

[before :53]

Our history is left-handed
Each word that's written
Is blurred with a simple stroke
That graphite is blended into the lines of yesterday...
I type so I can move forward
As my hands click with each letter
I wonder what you're doing//
I'll always miss holding your left hand
And I'll miss the silvered side of that hand
From blurring you and I

[before 1:35]

I crave the attention
I constantly push away
I have no one to blame
But myself
How do you accept something
That you can't grasp?
It's like believing in a God
When you were grown around hate
All I have left to do
Is mourn over something
I did to myself
I'm sorry
something I plan on rapping/talking lol
Hayley Schiete
Written by
Hayley Schiete  Michigan
   Antonio, --- and MoVitaLuna
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