Author: Kristen Stevens Sunday, January 24, 2010 I was not aware of that. Current mood: amused
Just the other day I had a confused customer call on the phone. [side note: why do people say that "call on the phone"... how else would they be calling?] Anyway, this none to with it lady called the store (ah, that's better) asking about nifty books like "riding a silver broomstick" and "book of shadows". It took me more than five minutes to divine that these were the books that interested her. Then another short yet seemingly infinite amount of time passes while I get my crystal ball working. She wants us to mail them to her. Great, I can do this. So we get the books ordered. Then she starts explaining to me that I could send them and she would pay for them on the 1st. HUH? you want me to give you product and assume you will remember to pay me in 2 weeks? Also how do I get the order released when they haven't been paid for yet? I explained several times I can't do that; while she countered with promises to pay when her paycheck arrived. Why did she need the spell book to make money magically grow on trees? All in all she was funny.