16 years ago, you said hello to your little girl, you smiled, you seemed happy to have her in your life.
13 years ago, you began drinking heavier, leaving your little girl all alone to fend for herself. You had a smile which seemed fake, you were giving up.
3 years ago, she saw through your lies, she saw who you truly were, she saw through your facade, she began to lose how
6 months ago, you discovered all your daughter secrets, you threw her down, and said you wished she was dead, at the moment, she wished it too. She knew she was a monster.
Now, he sees that he wasn't the monster, that his father is. He sits talking to his counselor in the DFACS office, discussing his past. He talks about who truly was, and who he thought he was.
And in 3 weeks, the court date finally comes, you'll be forced say goodbye to your son, and he cannot wait.