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Feb 2014
The world shatters in a million brilliant pieces.
His footsteps echo on the floor
but I can see his strong frame no more.
Blackness is the only thing visable
and I ***** blindly for the exit of this broken place.
My fingertips brush against a wall
my feet follow the path.
It's a circular world with no way out
I'm trapped!
My feet fumble awkwardly and I stumble and fall
and lay defeated on the ground.
Images of him
loving me, race through my mind like a waterfall
drowing me.
I begin to choke on bitter tears.
I can't breathe anymore.
The blackness is closing in.
Slowly my body bends and I give in.

Gasping and covered in sweat,
my body trembles, my heart beats frantically.
I'm surrounded in the darkness caused by light
but he didn't truly leave tonight.
It was just a dream...
Jazzy Loveless
Written by
Jazzy Loveless  Texas
   alexis hill
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