What is love if is not to be in love with you What is life if its without you I can't think unless am thinking about you Can't breath if breathing is without you I got suffocated when you are away from me You gave me strength to fight on even when I thought I lost the fight You are always there now and then Singing my favorite songs and reminding me their lyrics I have a puzzle left unsolved The puzzle is "Sometimes I wonder what life would have been without you" Helpless? Will living worth it if its without u? Can I move on when you are not there ? I think its gonna be worse than I thought You gave me reason to live You gave my life a meaning when its meaningless
You see something greater in me that even I cannot see You inspired me into greatness Now I have no doubt about guardian angels Because you are my perfect guardian angel Angel from heaven specifically sent to me, to guide,protect and love me I have a kingdom called my"heart" And you are the perfect Queen of that kingdom And I know my people (my soul, my body and my mind) will accept you as the crowed queen of my great kingdom I welcome you my Queen Sometimes I imagine my great kingdom without my Queen My kingdom would have been incomplete Long live the Queen of my great kingdom.... Long live the Queen......