From dawn until dusk To the sweat, dripping musk; From attacks of musth To that One Golden month.
Rising solid in the dawn-- As the bronzed Ego of Purpose-- Mustering self-esteem's brawn Cools my trademark Nervose Verbose
But do appointments, notes, Lectures, hecklers, and Beckers, Distract the mind that dotes? The Heart Desperate for Nectar?
Hah! such defensive thoughts.... Fallacies of Neuroses. Just polishing my doubts, Vainly "pleasing" my unease.
Monday's mundanity Fails my lie of character-- Left with Insanity Railing lines under pressure
And then, faces--balance blurs Into downed neurons Where not nobody cares to "Think about the children!"
An attack of musth is when juvenile elephants become overly aggressive and go on a rampage. Many people have been killed in such attacks, especially if the animal is being held in captivity.