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Feb 2014
Everywhere I go

people seem to follow.

They’re just sitting there.


Waiting for me to slip up.

For most people

it has to be done a few times.

But for me,

it’s that first hit that gets me hooked-

That one taste,

that seals my fate.

It seems no matter how hard I try

the urge overwhelms and consumes me-

Like a beast in the night

showing no mercy towards its blind prey.

It’s just that every time I plan something,

every time I try to do something for my family,

it all turns wrong.

Not because I was unable to

but because I slipped up.

I slipped up.

I should have walked away

when I saw them light up that first cigar.

I should have said “No”.

But instead I sat there and lit up my fate-

Gave up my life.

I’d be a miracle if my family forgave me.

I’ve put them through so much pain,

and I just want to say,



I wish I could do it all over-

take the better path.

I suppose I shouldn’t live my life

dwelling in the past.

My mother always told me,

“Live life in the present

for the past has passed.”

I didn’t understand what she meant at first,

but now my eyes are open to all of life’s treasures.

Life is always changing-

And it’s never too late for that!

This poem was inspired by the struggle someone most dear to me has overcome. The urge can be tempting...but dangerous.
Written by
Prodige  Ethel, La.
(Ethel, La.)   
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