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Feb 2014
The wind in the trees came to a hault
This time it was all your fault
The air became brutally cold
You is who i want to hold
Your eyes glimmer sweet and softly
This is when i fall in love instantly
No wonder the wind took a break
This was not some form of fate
This has to be planned
By some women or a man
Our eyes could not have met more perfect
I look down whilst thinking im not worth it
As he talks he sends out a breeze
That sends shivers and makes you freeze
He stares waiting for an answer
But it comes out with a stammer
He leans his head forward with the perfect angle
Then asks "excuse me" like an angel
There must be a God above
He was sent here by a dove
Cause this man could not be more perfect
Im starting to think im worth it
But am i just silly and confused
ill i end up hurt and abused
Someone can not be as handsome as him
And not be mean and nasty with in
But you are wrong
Well i guess it hasnt been long
For now everythings perfect
And me maybe i am worth it
Sophie Woods
Written by
Sophie Woods  Australia
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