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Feb 2014
Roses are known as beauty
They have a smell of beauty
And a look of beauty
But no one looks at it's stem before they pick it
You just reach out and grab it
Roses have a smell of beauty
and a look of beauty But bellow that beauty there is pain It comes from a thorn
A thorn ****** you sending a pain through your finger
Falling for the beauty of a rose has a consequence
Falling for a rose is small
But you have to be awware of the things around you
Falling for a rose can lead to falling for a lion
In a child's eyes a lion is a big cat
As you grow older you know that lions ****
Looking through the eyes of a child is dangerous
Grow strong in your eyes as they are how you see
But being weak in your eyes leads to temptations
temptation leads to hurt and pain Look through strong eyes as they are safe
Sophie Woods
Written by
Sophie Woods  Australia
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