I awoke to what I thought was a Friday. Or maybe it was Sunday, the days ran closer together as I paled in the dark.
The black cat purred at my side. I starred up at the blades of the ceiling fan as they slowly sliced through the musky air. This movement caused the dust motes to flee through a single bar of sunlight that had somehow broke through the shades I thought I closed tight enough to **** the day away.
I reached out careful not to disturb the cat and grabbed something deadly to smoke on. I began the chase and regretted it almost instantly.
I knew all of this would have to end soon and more than likely end hard in order for me to began anew.
My world had become cruel nor joyous, all remained as random as these words that dance to the music in my head.
I sat up on the edge of the rumpled bed, the cats emerald eyes stared at me through sleepy blinks.
I made my way through the tiny hurricane of swirling dust motes and ****** smoke, each step lighter than the next.
I let loose the shades and winced at the light of day.
The outside world was changing and a trapped painted lady fluttered around the inside of the window seal. I took this as yet another sign from the Gods of the impending changes that were sure to come.
I opened the window and the lost night flier took to the day.
And I felt death in the air and ***** in my blood and couldn't help but smile.
It takes an ending and I knew my ending would'nt come any time soon.