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Sep 2010
Stuck, the same situation always the same,
life, in the form of a game,
my love is strong but it's considered wrong,
it doesn't matter how I feel,
because once again,

I'm just the third wheel,

I know how it ends,
we'll just be friends,
you get the girl,
while I twirl,
around in circles my head spins,
                I can never win,

love isn't a game to me,
it's more than that,
I'll put up a fight but I won't go against what I feel is
                                                              ­                                                right,
I stand my ground and never frown,
but deep inside I'm screaming out a never ending shout,

We'll be as happy as can be,

no one hears my hidden fears,
I'll end up alone,
when you called why did I pick up the phone,
I would have been fine,
I could walk a straight line,
you stole my heart give it back,
        it's mine,
I go on living,
pieces of my heart I'm giving,
no one in the world cares,
they take, take, take,
why does the little girl stare,

she sees right through my to the emptiness inside,
I'm afraid to love that's why I hide,
everyone's the same in this game,
if I can't trust you what will I do,
stand still,
don't turn around,
catch me before I hit the ground,
in your arms you sweep me up,
we kiss,
I miss,
it's just a dream,
I wake up and scream,
there you are, right in front of me,
when you walk my way and smile I feel free,
but wait......

I see her, she's here too,
she holds your hand,
this is what I can't stand,
don't say you love me if you don't,
you think I'll hate you but I won't,
just remember,
we'll be friends,
until the end,
that's all I ever am.
Written by
Halli Ally Ellis
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