I'm in that moment where.... I'm angry. I'm angry because I don't feel the way i want to and it happens just like that - I think about the needle. I think about how everything fades away when its near me. just that MOMENT, right before it touches me. because after ***** too. just that MOMENT. and I keep thinking and thinking and thinking about it. and I keep trying to put my mind somewhere else but it wont go. Now I'm sifting through a drawer not even sure what I'm looking for. In my mind I'm probably looking for non-existent drugs, or a needle. But in reality I opened the drawer to put a stamp on my letter... so really I can't find ****. I can't even see. I'm just thinking. thinking way too much. Thinking myself into a black hole of all the possibilities. All the ways i could go about doing this. And all the ways i know it would ****. And all the ways i kinda think i dont care. its going to pass. but this is the strongest that its ever been. The desire, i mean. I feel scared, and ugly, and stupid, and weak. but ****, I really don't know. I just need to get out of myself. of that, I'm sure. do I ever get to forget about this feeling? It really isn't right, how my body takes over my mind and i lose it. and then i lose it all.
this is really just a flow of thoughts during a vulnerable moment... but the way it came out I think is kind of poetic