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Feb 2014
Dear you,

Love me.
Just love me for who I am, and not for who I’m not
Because that’s not me, and you know it isn’t
But you still look at me like I am her
And you still see her smile attached to mine
And I can see it on your face whenever we kiss
But I just want you to love me.

Just ******* love me for me
Because I love you
But I don’t want to
And I want to love you in slow motion like her
And I want you to love me because all of me loves all of you
And just ******* love me.

I want you to love me like you love your favorite songs
And I want you to know every inch of me like you know ever melody of your one favorite song,
That one song I religiously listened to because I know that’s you,
I know that’s who you are,
Where you came from,
All your dreams and fears,
And I will listen to it every three minutes and fifty-six seconds of every waking day
And I want it to sink into my bones like it sunk into your head
And I just want you to memorize me like you memorized that song
So you can sing my vices and virtues
And you can hum all my imperfections
But you will still love me,
Still love every note of me like you love that song because that’s me and that’s you
And I don’t care if you can’t sing or if you can’t play an instrument
But **** it, just love me for me and not what I’m not.

Love me.
Love me like I’m the world,
Like how you want to travel to new places no matter how dangerous and scary it is.
I want you know me like the map,
And know all the roads and streets and intersections of every city.
Love me like I’m the book in the hidden part of the library,
That one book that always gets shoved aside and forgotten,
And love me from the inside-out,
And love all my crevices and hidden meanings and riddles
And love me from cover to cover,
Title page to blank page at the end,
And even if it ends, you’re still wanting to read again just to get to know it better,
Just love me like that.

Love me like a magician loves to deceive people,
And he always has a trick up his sleeve and you just don’t know his deepest intentions,
But remember to always be cautious because the closer you think you are, the less you’ll actually see
But love me regardless of how much of a complexity I am,
And just be the little boy for a second,
Be the boy who believes in magic and believe in me even if my acts are questionable,
Just remember that sometimes, things are better left unsaid.

Just love me despite all of my “I-don’t-knows” and “maybes” and “sures”
And love me because even if questions are left unanswered,
I promise to stay true to my word,
And just please remember that I won’t break our promises.
Our promises are our always and our always are our okays,
Just love me like how she loved him even though she didn’t want to because she was scared to,
And just love me like he loved her even if she was a grenade waiting to explode as if it was a bomb on a lifetime-timer,
Just love me even when I’m sick and the clock stops ticking.

Love me as if Cupid struck its arrow at you when you weren’t looking,
But please don’t believe that our love is fake and an illusion,
Don’t lust for me and quote unquote “love” me because you think I’m a prize to be won,
But love me because I am a prize
And even if you did get me,
It doesn’t mean that you won, just don’t be boastful.
Love me, but don’t put me on a pedestal,
I just want you to love me.

Just love me like I’m mysterious,
Someone you’ve never met before or only passed once or twice before,
And I want you to get to know me like you want to know what’s going on in their lives,
And even if you’ve dug far deep into my brain,
I want you to still love me enough to dig deeper
And get past all my imperfections and habits that I was born to hate but live to love,
And I want you to love them more than you love my good parts.
Just love all the wicked parts of me because people tend to have more passion for things that they despise
And I want you to love and hate all of me
But I hope that you never pick hate over love
Because I just want you to love me.

I want you to love all of me like you loved all of her
And I know it’s hard for heartbreak to leave
And it always passes on like a kidney stone
And it hurts and it burns and you just want it all to be over with already
But it won’t leave and it’s going to take awhile
But in the mean time just let me love all the pieces of you that you hate
And let me love you so that I can put the puzzle pieces of your broken heart together
And I don’t care if it’s flimsy paper that break apart after two days,
I’m going to sew it back together and hope that no one else breaks it up,
But ******* if I’m the one to break it,
I hope that you forgive me because I didn’t mean to.
I just meant to love you
But we just never worked out.
But I still loved you past tense
Regardless of what happened between everything
We fell apart like a broken vase
And I don’t think there’s a glue strong enough to fix it
But please just know that I tried to fix our stupid little hearts
And I loved you even for a little while.

Love, me.
Jaya Gumatay
Written by
Jaya Gumatay
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