I take the time everyday to drive outside of my mind To drive and leave everything deemed important aside I dream, but I couldn't leave it all behind
They call themselves roots, but I've seen plants walk before They say they've a heart under that trunk And they sure as hell can't leave
And the clowns leave the circus to play games They leave the world to live under a new name Making jokes that no one ever hears
It's 4 passed 2004 And you're so little hiding under your hair You're so careless, teenager, you're coming of age in a pretentious rage
And our parents close the blinds And they changed the codes on the safe when we had almost figured it out And the paradox resumed, as we got our guns from another house And we blow holes in the sky Just to show God we didn't need him to learn how to fly We blew holes in their brains just to show them what really dies