Driving down magic road I think of all the possibilities Of a world like Narnia existing; Where animals could talk Telling me of the mermaids That swam in the sea.
My dad and I are just driving Along the back roads, yet Oddly, I find it inspiring. The same old fields and forests Seem to be the same as The ones surrounding my house.
Yet these ones hold tales Of creatures only heard of In fiction. I can see them, Elves that live in trees And those trees with Spirits of their own.
They whisper to me, Spinning tales of a dark magic Placed upon them by an evil overlord. Their pleas have reached human ears. I’m told that troops have been Formed, readying for war.
But the story is cut short As my dad takes a new road And I find myself back at home Wondering of tree spirits and curses Wondering what will become of The creatures of the forest.