My whole life I've been told to act my age But what does that truly mean? I have two different ages one that I look, one that I feel. So which am I supposed to be, or is it something in-between? I still watch Disney movies I know the words to all the songs But at the same time I've seen other movies, movies with violence, gore, and *** So which one is my age? I sleep with stuffed animals I'll usually be reading a fairy-tale. Yet my dreams don't involve happily ever after, my dreams are harsh, full of reality. That feels like a dream. I'm somewhere in-between. People keep telling me "Act your age." But I don't know my age. In fact I don't think I have one. Growing up is not a thing, So I can never truly grow up. Like Peter Pan I am stuck in a perpetual NeverLand. Never really changing Never truly aging. It's impossible to grow up, so why do we try? I don't know why. But I will never ever never Grow Up. (And really why should I?)