Of the first time I saw you. You wore a Barcelona football shirt and you were so tanned and happy and didn't look at me for a second.
Of that time in your attick with Ed Sheeran on repeat and we looked at eachother for hours with our skin pressed and our voices broken.
Of the fight we had one week before you told me we were through. And I catch myself thinking maybe I should have just shut up and ****** you.
Of the trainride of two hours from sober to what the **** and all of a sudden it was just us in a tent and your lips on my soul.
Of the smoking area where you jumped me and when we kissed for the first time and you licked my face because I laughed at you and ran away. (This one is ruined. The exact same thing.)
Of two weeks before the end when you were the sweetest you ever were and I was so happy and in love while you already wasn't.
Of you holding my hand when you saw me getting scared when that crazy guy walked past us and you never ever asked me how did he scare me but comforted me anyway.
Of you sitting on my couch telling your friend isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen and him agreeing and me making you tea.
Of you calling me snoezepoez and making cat sounds and me listening to them on repeat.
Of you on my birthday. You were the only one there at twelve o'clock and you didn't know if I was going to like it and I fell in love right then and there.