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Feb 2014
Where can start
With an Apollo heart
Where can I run
When chased by the moon and sun
An infinite race
With an Adonis face
A quick pace
In the presence of grace
Like Zeus I am powerful
Like Hades so sorrowful
With the temper of Aries
And as quick a wit as Hermes
I have an appetite so ravenous
Like kronos
And just as Dionysus
My parties are rapturous
So I find it difficult
Despite my piety
I believe I've failed
In finding one single
Equivalent diety
In reference to "the hellopoetry pantheon" (in which I was not included)
Steven Forrester
Written by
Steven Forrester  32/Non-binary/Tucson, AZ
(32/Non-binary/Tucson, AZ)   
   Pure LOVE
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