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Feb 2014
I'm getting my life on track
Most people would look back at my past
And wonder how I got here
It wasn't easy
No support from my family
I had to do the opposite of everything they taught me
Scared that I would be like them
Broke mirrors so I didn't see that I was like them
Looked at my reflection
Only to see a girl who refused to give up
I use to use my hands to block out the noise
Now I use them to write out what's left in my heart
And you will never understand what you did to me
Don't act like you had anything to do with making me
I may have forgiven you
But don't get things twisted
I forgave you so I could rest easy
Believe me
Everything you've done is not being forgotten
When I walk out of here
I'll thank you for pushing me away
I could stay
Like my sister
20 years old with no brain
Living off of my parents
As she barely gets paid
That's not for me
I promised my grandpa
That I would be somebody
He use to look at me
See my pain
And tell me that one day it would go away
I look at his pictures
With his smiling face
I know I'm making him proud
Don't try to tear me down
I might call you mom and dad
But I know who raised me
So don't be mad when I don't thank you for anything
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