You know me too well. And I'm running out of places to hide. My mouth can't stop talking When I only wish you would tell me something about yourself. I wanna get to know you On a level that no one else has reached So your mind separates me from all the rest And let's me in where no one else can go. I want you to trust me, Because I care about you so much It keeps me up at night. And I have to lye awake and think of Your eyes, and the look inside them When I make you smile, the way only I can. And I confuse myself Because it seems like I'm already dreaming. I feel weightless when I'm with you, Like nothing else matters. But I'm constantly worrying about how you're doing, And if I make you happy. Just wish you would talk to me more So I could let you inside my head And think about your laugh and voice before I fall asleep. But you know me too much. And I know that doesn't mean as much to you as it does to me. Still I wish you wanted to know more... But you fascinate me. And I wish you wanted me to know more about you. I just want you to know That I only want To make you *Happy.