Who gives a **** If I live or die? I have become the one forgotten And I have fallen into some peculiar space Now no one remembers the girl who once stood In my place She is changed, she has become something unexpected and unforgiving. Is there a reason to believe in myself anymore?
I have been deemed, by many, Unlovable. Perhaps the worst damnation of all Has come from my inner self.
But how does the rest of the world see me? My views have been clouded over the years By some unwarranted opinions Of hypocrites and bigots Bullies and ex-boyfriends Daddy.
Calling me names to this day Even after some bouts of depression Cutting Eating disorders Even a suicide attempt.
Although these are all in the past I still fail to hold myself in high regard. Did they make me hate myself? No, but they had a weighted hand in its development.
So who could love a creature like me? A person, or rather, a shell of one, Plagued by habit Submerged in guilt
Crippled by a question that has never ceased. Does being forced into a protective armor, Being ridiculed Being unloved Make someone truly Unlovable?