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Jan 2014
What does it mean?
To live
To exist
To feel the solidness
Of this breath

The firmness
The rhythm
The pureness of air
Things you regret

To many people
It is only air
going in
going out

A cycle to keep living
From the nose
Or the mouth

But what most of us
Do not know
It is more than just a breath

It is forever going
When we don't realize its there

It is not only a symbol of life
But there's another meaning

Within each breath
Lies simplicity
It will never be ridden

This was overlooked
And for now
It is just a breath

going in
going out
Even when you rest

Scientific knowledge
That is all people see
As long as we have breath
What more could we need

But tell me
What does it really mean
To live
To exist
To touch
To feel
To smell
To taste
To hear
Tell me
What more is real
Wrote this in middle school.
Written by
Aarya  not stuck under snow
(not stuck under snow)   
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