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Apr 2011
i cried for you today.
i cried because i miss you.
because i feel so, so terrible.
because i know that what happened
wasn't something you intended.
wasn't something you wanted.
but honestly, i have my own opinion of what happened.
but it isn't the same as yours.
i gave you the benefit of the doubt.
i just couldn't take it anymore.
when i said goodbye,
when i was angry,
things were said that i didn't understand.
things that you didn't either, i'm sure.
since then, i have done a lot of thinking.
since then, i have made my own conclusions
and made my decisions.
and i forgive you.
please, i know you don't understand what i mean but
please try to understand that i still love you.
still wish things didn't have to be this way.
still see you as innocent.
for everything i said, i'm sorry.
for what i won't say... i'm sorry, too.
i don't really know why i'm saying this right now.
i don't even want a response.

to be honest, i don't want you to read this.
that's really all i have to say.
amanda cooper
Written by
amanda cooper  31/F/va
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