A monster came out from under my bed, all hairy and ugly and oh so red. He ran to my closet and ate all my clothes then back to my bed he was tickling my toes. I was so afraid he might suddenly eat me, There was nowhere to go where he couldn’t see. He threw all my toys in a great big sack And told me meanly they’d never be back. Then he looked at my desk and suddenly smiled And seemed to be happy or maybe beguiled. He looked in my eyes and pointed at me, “give me your laptop and I will let you be” I loved my laptop a gift from my mom I stared in his eyes feeling so dumb. I was no longer scared now I was mad, Monsters aren’t fun when they behave so bad. So I took out my bat and put on my new shoes and said to the monster, “guess what you lose”. One swat on the noggin and he was out cold I keep my toys because I was bold. It pays to be brave and never have fear But be careful at night when a monster is near.
HAPPY LATE HALLOWEEN to my Grandaughters Copyright Jan/2014 WHC