I was gonna write a classic One that everyone would sing I've got myself the music But, the words I couldn't bring The music it comes flowing The words they are a miss I've got nothing for the music And the music sounds like this...
I need words to fit theΒ Β music words aren't flowing my my lips There's some magic in the music It puts movement in your hips The words just aren't forthcoming But the music surely is Do you want to hear the music Because the music goes like this...
The music gets you dancing It puts rhythm in your hips Words...oh hell, who needs 'em When the music goes like this....
solo play out
I wrote this for my friends in Steel Horse, a band from North Carolina. Mark has some tunes he has no words for, so this is my way of letting him get them heard without having to write words to fit them....I'm sure they will come up with something I can post soon.