Different is synonymous with undesirable An egg hatched by the wrong bird The story of an ugly duckling Ugly because he is difference
Environment defines what is attractive A monkey in a gorillas cage will seem weak Even a lion amongst deer will be rejected A diamond amongst plastic is an outcast
No matter how beautiful we are if we are in the wrong place we are ugly To be where you do not belong is to always miss a home never known A longing to be free from the bonds that keep us down
To leave, to run away into the darkness in hopes of a better future To smart or to scared to give up what we have for an uncertainty We struggle to grasp at straws when we seek to conquer all
A ugly mess today A beautiful arrangement unseen But tomorrow when none are left to mock We stand seen immaculate, pristine in the light of freedom
Everyday a new chapter With every chapter we are given the chance to end the book Or we can write a story worth reading