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Jan 2014
It's a deathless silence surrounding us--
something that we used to be
so comfortable with.
I **** on another Marlboro Red
perched between my chapped lips
and you strike up a match to light it--
there's nothing eternal about this flame.
I purse my lips;
you know it's coming.
The raindrops dance on the roof of your jeep--
a sound I used to find much comfort in
as I rested my weary head on your shoulder.
I exhale the smoke I tried to choke
these words down with,
"I don't love you anymore."
I expected you to shout
shake me
rattle these thoughts inside my mind,
but you didn't.
"I used to love you, dear.
Just not anymore..."
Shut me up darling.
You know these words can't be true,
but you just sit there like a mime
except I'm not getting the image your depicting.
I make my way out into the rain--
I'm not dancing this time.
"I'm sorry, darling."
I toss out my cigarette as I walk away
knowing the passersby have no idea
his world was purged with the lighting
of that cigarette I once held between my lips.
M B Scearce
Written by
M B Scearce
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