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Jan 2014
By the time you read this post I'll be extremely busy as usual.
The kids, long conference calling, mtg with my producer, etc.
It's a fun and exciting life; but, much hard work and long hours.
The hard worker you are knows well the full picture I'm painting.

Thanks so much for sharing and trusting that I'd understand;
in this very public way no less, I do believe you to be truthful.
I read your warning about what she was saying on cl about you.
Rants isn't the only section where people post twisted truths.

Hard to believe anyone is still so bitter after nearly three years.
Did find amusement in her belief she's entitled to your cards.
Been to or know of  many of those places she mentioned; unreal!
Her time would best be served seeking higher wage employment.

To answer your Q regarding: how many marriages and my stalkers.
In prison, one is released, others: now dead like my first husband.
His father passed, he disconnected and became a very broken man.
Been engaged four times and actually walked down the aisle twice.

Being engaged is one thing, me saying the I do is different story.
I've been asked for my hand in marriage countless times.
If you've forgotten my views on celebacy: re-read my poem on that topic.
Hope that answers your questions regarding what you asked.

g2g! Have a good day and w.s.u.i.w.l.m.
Betty Ponder
Written by
Betty Ponder
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