My life is a simple being. My purpose, a simple endeavor. My goals are a simple feat. I spend my life working and wasting what seems, to you, like years. I am at peace with my simple existence.
As I wander in the front door, a familiar smell smacks my nose. I run to the kitchen as fast as my feet dare to carry me. When I finally reach it I smell your favorite perfume, Rose of the Night. I see your favorite scarf draped up against my chairs and your french toast sitting cautiously on a plate. I hear your golden voice echo through my apartment. I hear your soft footsteps fight the silence. Your seduction calls out to me, but you being the spider and me being the fly causes me to fear you but want you all the same.
You walk out of the room towards me, your white dress skips along the floor. Your eyes beg for my love, your heart but empty yearns to be filled. I feel myself begin to sweat, and I become ****** in to your beauty and your fake love. You come up to me and kissed my lips like you did in the days when we loved. I began to ask why you came back, but we both knew the truth. Your other lover chose to break you. The man you chose over me broke you, like I said he would. Yet you thought that he was better than me, you thought he was the missing piece of you, though all he wanted was a gift that you wouldn't give.
When I gave you my heart, you treasured it, held it close and gave me back yours. But through time and temptation you broke away and stole away what soul I had left. You ate me alive and now I will not let you keep me here.
"Leave me alone, and next time you come back, bring me back my love so I can keep it from you." I said. She never forgot me, but she never forgave me. I never let the carnivore take me under again.