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Sep 2010
Look around you.
At reflections
in mirrors
and patterned glass.

At those you know
and who you don't,
including your self.
What do you see?

Happiness, joy,
life fully lived;
or do you see
life ever-longing?

For what may be,
in one week or two,
this year or next,
five years or ten.

When we've got
more time,
are older,
have money.

This very moment
in which we live.
This ephemeral footstep in time.
Is this not the most important?

Is it not better
to live and know love,
to cry and know laughter,
to fall and be able to rise.

To walk in the light
and the dark,
and then
in the light once again.

Life is too short.
Too precious.
None of us knows
what awaits.

Have courage.
Be daring.
Take risks.
Live. And love.

To the full.

© Jacqueline Le Sueur 2010 All Rights Reserved
Jacqueline Le Sueur
Written by
Jacqueline Le Sueur
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