When I was a little boy my mother always told me that there is no such thing as darkness, but there is. I saw it with my own two eyes. I always swore to myself that I would never go back there again. Ever since I saw it, hearing that horrible crowing compelling me to have that same old nightmare. I shiver violently How long will this madness last? Back in the past, people would always tell me that whatever came around would go around. The black crow, that which carries a burdance of unruly chances to my window haunting me until the last breath. How my heart desires for this to end, but the fear of it ending me grows stronger each night. But only God's time will come. Among my patience, I will hold my family's portrait while my blood drips of despair. Like a young poet, whose blood embodies justice and revenge With this beautiful family portrait, I can only feel love and hope...
"Some are born like poets, some are born like mothers, and some are born like black crows."