I miss your warm warm,smile, and gentle touch, to my spirit,it meant so very much,thoughts of you, every now and than,rise up like sunshine, in my mind,I can see you sitting, at the kitchen table, tired back, and body, toward the door, having come in , from a late ,work night,or hear you, walking up the stairs, and know, that you.re alright,sometimes, you come home, much to tired, to eat, and all that's on your mind, is how fast,you can fall into the dark,arms of sleep,I miss you,even though, we were together,for only a brief time,like a glowing candle,blown out,by a sudden breeze,but sometimes,sad things happen to us in this life, without an understandable reason or a rhyme, I know that you can't hear me, across death's wide miles,pardon me, while I get a tissue,but I miss you