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Jan 2014
Is it possible to fall in love with a stranger
I'd like to compare it to believing in a god you've never seen.
Trying to convince everyone you know that it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
But you don't know who he is.
With the smell of the coffee still reminiscent in his words.
That cologne,
You've smelled it on some one else.

Like the color of the ocean in his eyes.
And now you're drowning with no water in sight.
Throat dry, because he's taken every ounce there was within miles.
He doesn't know it though.
He's just a stranger after all.

Something about that New York band and living somewhere by the sea.
Big dreams from the beautiful soul you'll only encounter for 45 minutes.
Long before you notice, it was only his lunch break,
And you, only sight seeing.

Now you're longing.
Longing for lips you've never kissed.
And the bitter politics.
Because he hates voting.
American man who's a slave to a good story.
Still a child at heart but only for 45 minutes at a time,
And that's when he's with you.
Because god forbid someone sees him for who he really is.
And thank god it's only the people who will never see him again.
And maybe,
Just maybe,
If someone were to hear him out for once
He wouldn't hear voices in his head,
Or talk to strangers about all the awful things he's done in bed.

He likes to have *** with the lights off
Because no one can see how awful you are in the dark.
And it makes a little more sense that you can't see the voices
When you can hardly see the palms of your hands.

And you sat there.
Contemplating how a man with beautiful bones, could ever feel so low.
You wanted to;
Run your hand along his chin,
And touch the black that is his sole.
But you held back.
After all he's just someone you don't know.

As he stood up,
Smiling with lips that should be considered a sin,
Returning to busy crowd that he used as a metaphor for the chaos that is his life.
You thought,
"I love a man who uses metaphors."
And then you said.
"Is it possible to fall in love with a stranger?"
Carolina Castano
Written by
Carolina Castano  Colorado
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