When you stop to think about it, Being suicidal is kind of pointless. I mean, The razor nine times out of ten won't **** you. And if it doesn't, You're left with these ugly scars on your body Forever.
Pills? You can have your stomach pumped clean of those. Then you puke, and you puke, and you puke. It's just making your already What you call "horrible life" More miserable. For a while, if not Forever.
Guns are awfully painful, Don't you think? And there are flaws with this too. If your aim isn't the best (And God knows when you're in that state of mind It won't be) You miss the target, Leaving you permanently injured And sick Forever.
Hanging is ******* the neck, But it's even harder on the brain. It is only a matter of time before Someone finds your body limp, But not dead. It may be difficult to restore oxygen flow And you could be left brain dead Forever.
Acids ****. But they also attack your throat Leaving it burning and stinging With damage that could last (You guessed it) Forever.
Essentially, things happen. People change. Mistakes are made. But nothing is worth altering And destroying Your life Forever.