She bleeds ‘all tragic steam work blasted mists ‘All hobbled clamped free fall for ‘all seasonal depression slump She’s ‘all death knell cramp urgency and held back suffering kneeling on kitchen floors ‘all like boarding school broomsticks lessons with ‘all that theoretical **** the ***** save the man type schlock shock rhetoric shtick so ‘all I’ll be is her savage heretic wagon burner page-turner on the hot coal back burner ‘all boarded up sealed shut in the walls until she calls Expecting me to be 'all combat ready ‘all back with a vengeance while her thrift store hazard suit groups and droops ‘all over my haphazard dream sliced hang nailed hangover hands hiding ‘all derelict style while between the sheets confessional gets voided by social media air raid sirens bringing me ‘all too close to rocks and crystals and who ‘all needs another pathetic apathetic junk punk when ‘all and ‘all I'd rather die for you because I just can't live with myself