scars are love and memory from the world which (though oft accused of indifference) does care enough to pierce the skin
not the broken glass not the rusty nail not the bedspring from an old mattress or the handsaw that slipped or the edge of the coffee table to a wobbly toddler not the knife or scissors too blunt at first - but try, try again
not the careless indifference of others made manifest in flesh
or the million failures headaches heartaches sicknesses tears
no, pain never forgotten is formed on brain and skin
just like cheeks flushed, heart pounding, sweat-dripping you make your move and are checkmated by a far more skilled opponent-- it doesn't take much
feel something if you try feel alive and awake and know
that somebody loves you, and remembers just like your skin.
Garrett Country, Maryland, February 27, 2009, 8:38 p.m.