Here I lay beneath the pen Motionless, pale, pasty, dead.
Here I lay beneath the pen You haven't spared a thought for me yet, but why would you when you threw away so many other just like me before.
Here I lay beneath the pen I may be a little rough around the edges, but that's the texture! I can be what you want just give me a chance!
Here I lay beneath the pen So now you've used and abused me, you're just going to throw me away, like a useless piece of garbage.
Here I lay beneath the pen Defiled and disrespected, you crunch me up and throw me away without a second thought, but here's a thought, I started out pristine condition just like the others, that pen passed across me so quickly and you deemed me unworthy.
What was I?
copyright JWG 2011
Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.